
I imagine in two weeks?

Deviating slightly, why has every PoP since Sands of Time been void of any charisma, fantasy, or personality? Is it because Jordan Mechner added his awesomesauce skillz to SoT after a 10-15 year hiaitus?

I think Capcom's head office consists of robots robotically scheming about how to rehash / rerelease each of their games at least once a year.

People poop their pants and sniff it and Mario stays the same.

Brokeback Redemption?

You and those fat little star dudes. They love the fizzy crackle!

Doc Memory, can you count? "Fourthsies?"

Good story, Japan.

Ron was always a sucker for punishment. How many times does the Hamburglar have to rob him blind before he stops calling him a friend, and posing for photo shoots with him? Sunnuvabeeatch.

I'm with you guys…I actually prefer portables to home consoles. I game to relax, and there's nothing better than starting the day with a bit of Picross or Zelda on the DS, or one of the decent SRPGs on the PSP (FF Tactics, Jeanne D'arc, etc.).

Or an ewok. Actually, do baby ewoks and wookies look any different?


Agreed, my old train to work was fiendish.

I'm pretty sure the PSP version is in the works.

Also, "fart" in middle english was written as "uerte."

My PSN handle is "tarsanell," so everyone can feel free to add me. I had to drop the "z" for an "s," as tarzanell roughly translates to "dingleberry" in Italian. Fun fact for the day.

Is communication that crucial? Not to be cynical, but 90% of the online gaming crowd tends to just swear and rage.