Antoinette Ego

No, I'll have to rephrase, I don't think that Hopkin's Hannibal was all that goofy. I meant that James Purefoy is constantly chewing scenery here (probably because he has to do something with the shitty dialogue/monologue the writers come up with), and I felt that Hannibal in the films was a bit too hammy to actually

Genius! That'd be completely awesome (and Joe would fit right in with his British accent and college professor look)! In my head, it already is. My only requirement is that Joe dies at the end. 

You're right, and it left me wondering: Does that tell us something about the self-image those writers have? Maybe they are also thinking that they are improving (well, to be fair, they are - for one or two episodes in a boatload of dull, predictable, contrived and soapy beyond fun)? Is this some screwed-up meta

It sure will be! I faintly remember something about a wedding and stuff in the finale and was thinking "blegh", but after I looked it up on TVLine, I found out it's actually worse [SPOILER]: "A pregnancy!, an arrest! and a kiss! between a gay man and a straight man! who kisses back!!! OMG", to paraphrase Safran. (See

Oh, I was so hoping the finale was going to get an F. Honestly, anything else would have been a major let-down. Way to go out (for the season), show!

That tutor girl was so horrible, I erased her from my memory. Now, she seems like a character from Girls to me - that's not supposed to be an insult to that show. That girl was just so ill-conceived for TGW on many levels (primary reason however, that she was completely annoying). 
Speaking of Grace's folks, whatever

Well, according to TPTB (Robert King) over on TVLine, Alicia is with Peter now for good, her leaving Lockhart Gardner signifying a rupture, a means to sever her ties to Will. 
Josh Charles, however, also noted that it in fact opens up the possibility of an official relationship somewhere down the road, because he's not

I'm totally on board with pretty much everything you listed. This episode awesomely managed to set the groundwork for what could be a seriously fantastic season of television.

Regarding Sherlock, I've actually never considered your point. But I would have pegged him for enough of an erudite to know about such terminology. I could get on board with the idea that he would just say that to annoy Anderson et al..
(What bothers me is probably that he is so clearly not a psycho/sociopath. Ít

Your theory would certainly offer an explanation regarding her jarring failure to show any emotions and act like an actual person, because psychopaths are well-known to have their difficulties with that…

Well, tentatively based on the promo for next week, the two are going to bury their friendship and get in a catfight over the Tony Awards with the fact that Ivy slept with Derek as Karen's leverage. Not quite your scenario, but enough for me to lose my fucking mind. Cheap drama for the win!

I absolutely love Hannibal. It's such a gorgeous looking show, I just today recommended it to my brother, who loves aesthetic shows and always goes on about how great it is to watch in HD, and I told him how fucking great Hannibal would look in HD, but also mentioned how he is far too squeamish for that (he is, in my

Oh, but Poe DID have cannibalism: In "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket", which sees a whaling ship capsized, and the mutinous sailor Richard Parker suggests they draw lots to figure out who will get eaten. In the end, Parker gets eaten himself. Richard Parker is of course also the name of the

Don't say the name Bunheads! I might start to cry, because I think it's pretty much cancelled, what with all the time that has passed since the season finale. The long wait is not a good sign. Maybe we should already put together petitions and Kickstarter campaigns for both Bunheads and Hannibal *sigh*

That just makes me wonder a bit more why Fuller decided to pull it in its entirety, then… But whatever. I guess I just would have preferred the character development embedded in, you know, an actual episode with an actual story. 
What's saddest is that I assume several people will miss out on the fourth episode's

Actually, I also thought for a while that the intensity of it came from Will's mind, probably because of the echo that came with it. It was before the cancer realization, but I assume he was a bit nervous about the state of his marriage anyways (in the webisode, he already talked about how it wasn't great at the

Yeah, I was a bit annoyed by that… I mean, it's pretty ambitious, naming every episode after a French dish, and I do wonder how they would manage to sustain that for (hypothetically) several seasons - but if you're gonna do it, do it right. Right?

Well, as a Frenchwoman, I discussed this with my father, who agreed that a potage would be a creamy soup, and my mother (who's not French but lived there for many years) agreed that a potage is a soup, the end. The Micro Robert than disagreed a bit and stated that "a potage is a soup stock in which solid groceries