It's all fun and games until you run out of fingers.
It's all fun and games until you run out of fingers.
I woke up to find my college roomate standing over me wearing his usual pajamas: stained wifebeater and torn BVDs. And he was just staring. Finally grunted once and went back to bed, with no memory of it in the morning.
I woke up to find my college roomate standing over me wearing his usual pajamas: stained wifebeater and torn BVDs. And he was just staring. Finally grunted once and went back to bed, with no memory of it in the morning.
Korova Milkovitchbar?
Woozle wuzzle?
SWLBR* by Cream
Can I take it to the first?
No soap. Radio?
"There — Injia!"
Me got idea!
Third prize, you're a prostitute for a day.
Old joke, but worth repeating:
Bob Hope and Bing Crosby are driving through the desert. Their car breaks down and the pair have to walk back to the nearest gas station. A rattlesnake bites Bing and the poison goes to work almost immediately. Bing collapses, but Bob doesn't notice and keeps walking. Crosby cries out,…
Hey hey hey! The study of word origins is fascinating and I have PLENTY of friends!
The scream he does in the middle of the song that sounds like he abruptly choked always cracks me up.
I am going to watch the sit out of this program.
True, and I'll even allow for The Minutemen's doing Van Halen. The rest of it was a fantastic disappointment, and I still get angry thinking about the cover.
Blasting Concept 1: Awesome SST Sampler with a disturbing cover. Blasting Concept Vol. 2: Godawful, with a godawful cover.
Now get back to selling shoes to mobsters' girlfriends.
I have a feeling the same production company did the Marvel Superhero cartoons as well. When Captain America throws his mighty shield
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield etc
Was there a Beetle Bailey cartoon in there, and General Halftrack had an amusing loose-denture whistle when he talked?