
Online board/card games
I've never been able to understand the appeal of the online versions of board/card games like _Settlers of Catan_ or _Race for the Galaxy_. I absolutely love these sorts of games, but most of the enjoyment comes from having other people right there with me to laugh with and yell at. (Then

"take the economy exactly as it is now, and then imagine the economy if we had actually allowed all of those banks, all of those automotive companies, and all of the other businesses receiving TARP and other bail-out program funds, to go under."

I loved _Perdido Street Station_, and was surprised that it wasn't mentioned.

That's funny; I find Stross to be a fantastic writer, and consider Accelerando his best work. Then again, I'm a transhumanist who loves "idea porn"; furthermore, I'm not taken to deranged rants like Cmndr_X seems to be. ::shrug::

And another!

And another ….

One more to see. . . .

One more never-seen NCC to get to …
Yikes, all these cult movies I still haven't gotten to. Ah well, what's one more. . . .

While I largely dislike social networking (e.g., Facebook), I at least *understand the attraction*; it's a useful way to make myself easy to find to those who might share my interests. Twitter, on the other hand, I simply can't figure out (and neither can my MySpace-loving wife). What could someone write in 140

For anyone who didn't realize this already: your AV Club account isn't *just* your AV Club account; it's your account for *all* of the Onion sites that allow logins. An account created on AV Club works on Decider and vice-versa.