"Gentlemen, you can't be comically rural in here, this is a beet farm!"
"Gentlemen, you can't be comically rural in here, this is a beet farm!"
"Gentlemen, you can't be comically rural in here, this is a beet farm!"
DIdn't he also say he was pro-choice one episode?
DIdn't he also say he was pro-choice one episode?
I still haven't finished the episode. I can't get past Charlie saying, "Pussy-ass, coward-ass pussified pussies." Better rewind.
I still haven't finished the episode. I can't get past Charlie saying, "Pussy-ass, coward-ass pussified pussies." Better rewind.
"Here's six characters. Go make a star gate."
"Here's six characters. Go make a star gate."