
He wanted to see Ragnar sons

Vikings problem is and has always been it's inability to tackle existential questions—apart from Ragnar.

At first I thought B- was way too harsh. But on phrase changed my mind: "spilled out gracelessly."

Also we have to remember that the first half is told from Allison point of view, Noah probably seemed over the top to her because she was on edge.

I actually thought this was the best episode of the season, although I really like last week episode too.

To the comment about the sudden change in character in the Saxons characters, I think a major outside treat can do that to people. That is to say, the tension between our main character are not gone forever but given that they were in need of each other for emotional and physical strength. There was a unusual

This episode actually made me understand the Christian POV and it seemed much more familiar than whatever that witch was doing. I think it's a little unfair to the show to say that Christianity is being depicted negatively when the Vikings—with reverence yo their pagan gods are the ones going around killing people

Maybe it's because I was like a B- high but that was a creppy episode. Creppy in a good way though. It was unnerving—I actually found myself in agreement with Alfred wife(for the first time). That witch is scary and potentially and dangerously powerful. That was truly a great episodes, especially visually. My only

Of course it seems on the nose to us but it seems a perfectly reasonable thing to say to calm the tension down. I don't know what else he could have said. Now "that baby is ours"?—-only Scotty

B-…damn, I might overrate every episode of Homeland but I've been a big fan from the jump bUT B- seems a bit harsh on this one. I mean there are some incredibly stupid CIA/FBI type shows that I watch just because I need something to last me till Sunday, shows like Quantico, for example, that get B- and C+, and even at