
How was the success of AIW so bewildering? I mean, maybe the movie isn't great (haven't seen it, so I don't know), but the considering it's directed by Tim Burton, starring Johnny Depp et al, and is the first major 3D release of the post-Avatar 3D craze…how exactly is its success bewildering? I mean, it's

This makes me happy
Thought the last two records were fantastic and durned good (in that order). Hopefully his streak continues!

I need a hit of Supercool.

The Titte Brothers have lost their biggest fan
This is going to be a tough day for the biggest entertainers in the history of entertainment.


IN MY OPINION, of course…
…MIA is the single most overrated presence in music today.

Signed Zep II Album?
Um, do they except left nuts?

Oh Amelie.
I get the feeling that you roll your eyes a lot. Am I reading that correctly?

Those are blue too!!!!

I'll go ahead and tell you what not to get: West, which is one of the worst albums I've ever heard by a decent artist.

Man, I gotta disagree with some of you…I think about 3/4 of Cassadaga is brilliant. Some of it, though, does feast on ass. By the by, Conor's solo effort from 08 (self titled, I believe) was exceptionally good, and better than most Bright Eyes IMO except for Wide Awake.

So here's a poll question:
Which of the 3 main MOF'ers have put out the best album?

Let's just say James Cameron moved me… INTO A BIGGER HOUSE!

Not a huge celebrity per se, but I gave Ryan Adams my watch once, and he bear hugged me in response and asked me to put it on his wrist, because his hand was sore from playing. I met him again a month later and asked him if he remembered…he said "Yes, I liked it cause it matched the belt I wore on the cover of Gold."

"Who else liked James Taylor's bit?"

@Fanclub… Not looking one post above fail.

I rented a copy of the Bluth movie, but someone had taped over it with footage of Michael Cera simulating a light saber fight.

Aas someone who fucking hates most of these indie hype-boosted electro-whatever acts (Animal Collective's new one did little to nothing for me), and as someone who would take a bullet for Tom Waits… I must say, MGMT has a few very worthwhile songs.

Clearly you never suffered through business classes in college.

Return to form
Quality review Noel. Pitchfork absolutely skewered this album, and that sort of disappointed me because I considered this somewhat of a return to form for Farrar; he sounds as if he's embracing the strengths that made Trace and Straightaways such enjoyable albums. While not without a few throwaway