
"Steal a car..
"I've got a car..

I just want to see Taskmaster show up in one of these movies..

Who's this Tio you guys keep speaking of? His names Hector.

GL was decent—what little I know about GL is from the movie, cartoons, and games (yeah, I know). So I'm not getting the significance of Sinestro as a GL again. The evil Guardians were pretty off-putting too.

My local shop couldn't get enough copies of Batwoman, so I missed out on it. I still have never read an issue of Batwoman, but want to since JH Williams' art is often so astounding.

The album is alright. Though I wouldn't call it staunchly anti-war, per se..A lot of it has a resigned feeling.

I wish I could get into "Killtaker" more—it has a great reputation, but so much of it is aimless noise to me. It's my least favorite of all their albums.