
Yes! We defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!

I may be reading my own reaction into this (spy story in a bar; ummm, sure, whatevah you say), but I never felt like anyone bought the act. It was much too showy and too phony.

Thanks Zack. This has been appointment reading every week. You've done a great job.
That last poker game has one of my favorite Data moments. When Picard says 'I used to be quite a card player in my youth', Data gives this perfect look of 'getta load of this guy.' Absolutely perfect. And all without the emotion chip.

Actually, you're tackling season one some night when you only plan to watch one and go to bed, but then maybe just one more, and then you realize that it's four in the morning and there's only two episodes left so what the heck.

Hmmm, I took it to mean government funding of private parochial schools, which I believe is legal some places, but strongly forbidden in others.


Good for rookies and vets?
Just got season 1 on DVD and am looking forward to it. Does the book work well in parallel with first-time viewing, or should I wait?

Personal Anecdote = True TV Club Review
Thanks for the writeup, Rowan.

Don't forget Sports Night, when Donna, errrr, Monica corrects Casey about passing up a chance to thank the wardrobe department for his snazzy duds.

In service to me
This is more personal than the societal sweep the book looks like it has (haven't read it). But the Internet has really helping me to develop my inner jerk. When I wanted something before, I used to go to a store (or stores, if the first ones didn't have what I wanted), look around, and maybe ask for

You could change nothing of the show but the point of view (making it the story of Zuko's search for redemption), and it would still be a great show. That's phenomenal writing.