
Shit.  Now it's popular so I can't listen to it.

I was a solid KATG fan for years, but I cooled on them considerably when they announced their breakup (which they kept under wraps until their 'relationship' book was published).  Also, Patrice FTW.

Concur on the Waitresses.  Hate that song. HATE.

Makes him sound almost dignified.

Worst rap since Dee Dee King.

Confiscate Steve Perry's passport!

I second the ownage or Panic Room. Mr. Yoakam pretty much made the film. Ayup.

Judas Priest - Cheater
Frank Zappa - Jewish Princess
(might as well throw in 'Catholic Girls' as well. Yeah, they're fully tongue-in-cheek, but fun to tick off the more humourless of the feminist creed)