Look... Look At Me

Seriously, an A? What of fucking load of crock of piece of fucking bullshit this letter system you fucking know it all writers have. It's like you'd give Adolf and Eva a B+, if only for melodrama and anything involving Ron Swanson is an immediate A. Good god, it must be awful doing whatever it is you do to get paid

Seriously, an A? What of fucking load of crock of piece of fucking bullshit this letter system you fucking know it all writers have. It's like you'd give Adolf and Eva a B+, if only for melodrama and anything involving Ron Swanson is an immediate A. Good god, it must be awful doing whatever it is you do to get paid

Dude (or Gal) go back to the men's rights section of reddit because you are seriously  in some other angry, self-righteous modern world that has nothing to do with the plot of the show.

Well, no one else here has played a wait and see with Betty Draper. You are all a bunch of petulant internet zeros that think somehow your fanboyism and Betty hate is reflected in the show.

Not sure what's more annoying, having a metaphor explained to me before it is used (or at all), or someone writing in certainties about something so subjective as the best Beatles album.

"(He’s with someone named Morgan, and I like that the episode makes both of them complicit in a horrible act but doesn’t pass judgment on it, leaving us to do the math.) "

Weather Up is not in Cobble Hill.

Michael Ginsberg is about to be everyone's new favorite character.

Maybe. I guess I've always assumed the rivalry was more one sided, something that Ken acknowledges by saying some things haven't changed.

Pete and Ken
Ken's withered look into being asked if he can do as told, then a calm and reasoned nod. Awesome. Unlike bad-tie Don or Jane's cousin, he's can make concessions and doesn't seem to worry about climbing the ladder.

Reference to electric Dylan?


best tv in so long
There is an interview with Louis and TV Squad where he talks about his conversation with the standards people at FX about the concept of shitting in someones mouth on the show and they are reluctant but he re-phrases such that he wants to shit in hitlers mouth … which is something they can work

This exchange is almost certainly one of my favorite ever on AV Club.