Spice Weasel

Fuck yeah it does.

"Hey chums! Let's all do the Charleston and then meet up at the soda fountain for a float!"

Today in "Sure, Why the Fuck Not?"

Sorry, I'll be partying with Joe Biden in Delaware that week. Just like every other week.

Michael Keaton is in that movie?


Not that I know of… but who cares! It's damn delicious.

Braised Indian chicken w/ rice courtesy BevCooks.com. PS Spouseweasel made this. PPS We now have a joint Pinterest account where I pin recipes and he logs in, picks what he likes, and cooks them. PPPS I don't really cook very often but I make a great Bloody Mary.

Spoon - The Underdog
Veruca Salt - Volcano Girls
MGMT - 4th Dimensional Transition
Bon Iver - Calgary
Daft Punk - One More Time

Tina Belcher style

I have been boozing less because this sinus infection is still taking its toll. However, I did have a Makers & ginger last night because yesterday sucked.


Hi Al!

I, for one, would watch a Comedy Central roast of a rubber chicken. James Franco would probably show up, at the very least.

But I don't.

The underappreciated Free Balloon Day episode where they go on the lam. Patrick, of course, immediately eats his rations and says Spongebob must've done it. My husband still says "Thanks! I think I'll eat mine now!" on a regular basis. Plus, when SB is shredding his chocolate bar with his front teeth just to torture

I still do this probably at least once a week.

I guess. To me she just looks tired.

It looks like she's straining to hold up that bottle. She may want to think of adding calories to her beverages.

Coconut water and regular water and occasionally ginger ale until I get better. Then, when I am better, I will have a fancy cocktail at The Cheesecake Factory and go buzzed shopping with my sister (who is also sick). To celebrate.