Spice Weasel

Garlands of Fresh Herbs ice cream. Vanilla with parsley and cliantro.

Oh hey, still 400 comments!

Ghosts can't breathe underwater, dummy! I know because I'm a ghost expert! Because I'm a ghost!

Can I say that I really like The Darjeeling Limited even though that's definitely not his best?

Will we learn more about how Francesca's booty drives Saul crazy?!

God I love this comment.

And Bogdan's eyebrows aren't quite as lush yet. There will be a backstory about how he uses Rogaine to make them grow in thick and strong.

Welcome to Cinnabon.

I loled.

Shit! I forgot this means Jane could come back.

Huell yeah!

Username/comment synergy!*

Well, now we know who's running Disqus. Hitler's ghost.

I saw him about 5 years ago - he puts on an amazing show! I will never fault anyone for overexcitement about Weird Al, because he is the greatest.


Shit, three years into my running career and sometimes I still dry heave at the finish line. No worries - just head off to the side and do yo thang, as LJo said.

Sympathy reply: I gained three lbs this weekend for no discernible reason and have been running like crazy and drinking water and all that bullshit stuff "health professionals" say you should do to prevent things like bloating and they can all go fuck right off.

Woo hoooo!

Happy early birthday!

Right now I am listening to Weird Al's "Fat". Do with that information what you will.