Spice Weasel

Oh, it blows.  I have been drinking water like crazy and trying to get my rest.  I also have been taking vitamins like gangbusters, and will be loading up on Emergen-C, as it has quercetin, which apparently does help the immune system somewhat.  I read studies on it and stuff, people.  It checks out.

That's a pretty good suggestion.

YES.  Thank you.  I am not the only one!

I cannot stop thinking about ice cream cones.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Ra Ra Riot - "Boy"
Lauryn Hill - "Doo Wop (That Thing)"
Weird Al - "Polka Your Eyes Out" lololol I can't
Beastie Boys - "Super Disco Breakin"
Britney Spears - "I'm a Slave 4 U" lololol dead

That's what happens to my husband, usually. My tried and mostly true preventative method has always been to take a shower as soon as humanly possible after getting off the plane.

I flew to California last year in the throes of a terrible sinus infection/chest cold/upper respiratory throwdown.  I spent the first five days of my vacation sick as hell.  It sucked!

This working stuff is for the birds!  (I will also mostly be away from the TI today.  Boo.)

Bam!  Welcome!
I am a lady in the Mid-Atlantic region. More specifically, Delaware.

The Floydster needs another one of those whiskey barrel steaks, sauce on the side!

And it pinkens your teeth as you chew!

I woefully accept this fate.  On the bright side, Futurama tends to improve with repeat viewings, so even though it will be over, it will live forever in my heart.  And play forever on my Netflix.


Need a new avatar?  Why not Zoidberg?!

Of course.

No mugging!

And my eyes were taped open.  And I wasn't allowed to leave the room.

We can do that now?

And Louis CK is his sidekick.