Fuck it. I'm starting one of these Kickstarter/Indiegogo things. Fund Spice Weasel's Kickstarter campaign to make a movie about how all these celebrities can fuck right off and use their own money to do these projects.*
I'd probably donate if this were a guarantee.
*Peter Sarsgaard joke redacted*
Let it never be said that trapping women in nets doesn't make for great abs.
RE: the running nearly 5k every day and staying 10lbs about goal weight -
When this happens to me, I usually shake up my routine a bit. Cut back on running for a week or so, and add in some more weight training or just plain ol' walking. For whatever reason, this helps me drop a couple pounds nearly every time. I…
Booo my other close(ish) option and I'll be in Maine.
I am Italian, but my brother-in-law is German/Swedish/English. So there's that…
I am SWAMPED with work today so I'm late and I haven't read any of these 600 comments.
NOOOOOO the Camden date coincides with my brother-in-law's wedding.
Please use "yet another unmemorable movie screencap" as your caption tomorrow.
Well, I'm in the mid-Atlantic region, close to Philly and Baltimore. The populace is not conventionally unattractive, for the most part. Although that recent visit to Delaware Park was an eye-opener.
@TheCzarCastIchbasTurd:disqus - Yes, thanks to Liz Lemon.
There are ugly states?!
Good god, I love this.
Pictured: Brian Baumgartner, of The Office fame. No, really. That's him. Think about it. Have you ever seen Brian Baumgartner and Mama June in the same place at the same time? Have you?
Uncountably-Huge Wad of Cash: Don't leave home without it.
Anti-bad-tattoo. Also mostly just a joke. It's his body, man, he can do what he wants with it.
No judgment. All the free bagels you want? That's a no-brainer.