temocil sales rep

maybe adam sandler falls in love with a ghost?

*robert durst stares at you with lifeless black eyes*

i f****d the business model

boogie nights and three kings are pretty good too.

a series detailing the rise and fall and possible redemption of shooter mcgavin would be way better than this.

surely the method man track will be about reek?

sailors in your mouth!

bonehead held the real magic…

Or Julia.

Dave Chappell in powdery white face please.

your right. i regret jumping to the word ban. and i can see the racist nature of those works without asking my asian friends. but what does a movie have to do with anyone stuck in an abusive relationship? my main point is depiction of abuse is not abuse. depiction of crime is not crime.

i really regret leaping to the word "ban" upstream. my initial point wasnt about censorship it was that we shouldnt give pop culture so much power. if someone is abusive to others that is their moral shortcoming and to lay blame for their actions on a shlocky book excuses that persons actions.

than this is a grave indictment on our education system. you cant blame art for how it is interpreted by diffrent people. i havent even read the book and i will not see the movie but to me its biggest crime is exploitation of naivety.

I think thats hyperbolic. if someone is taking their cues from a fictitious work of pop culture… i dont think your giving people enough credit. BDSM (and many, many other subcultures) have always been depicted poorly in hollywood.

exactly. this was made to cash in on a built in audience. nothing else.

your absolutely right and i jumped to a conclusion. i just see that as the end argument here. we may not like what we see in art but we cant use that as reason to excuse individual actions. if someone is abusive it has shit all to due with art.

so ban these works?

so does heavy metal cause people to kill other people or harm themselves? if someone is abusive to another person its because they're a shitty person not because of some movie or book. depiction of crime is not crime.

perhaps we better call someone?