temocil sales rep

well addiction and depression go hand in hand. cant say im shocked, he had some issues for sure.

RIP robin williams. apparent suicide.

these tears really bring out that great burger flavor.

the thing i dont understand is, how do i cash my checks before i wake up?

kyle eat your gafakahaga

whenever i need a good laugh i just imagine a literal 'war on christmas'

starring Various Artists

never follow a hippie to a second location.

i really enjoyed "laugh at my pain", and a few episodes of "real husbands of hollywood" are ok, but his movies are terrible.

say again?

burn the witch!

yeah i just cant pass up a chance to slip in a seinfeld reference. its a blessing and a curse.

im gonna slip him a mickey

i D.A.R.E. you

i wonder if hannity thinks a joke about a dead palestinian soldier would be funny?

no soup for you!

the water level in "link to the past" is what drove me to the bottle.

every damn time!

i "wonder" when this will actually happen?

so, did you see the new poof?