temocil sales rep

why superchunk of course!

me and the bean was probably the song that made me fall in love with spoon.

domed if you do, domed if you dont.

"transference' is such a great record and probably the one i come back to most in the back catalog. it sounds like its being erased in some parts or its falling apart, such a unique sound yet undeniably spoon. vastly underrated.

they always pick and perform cover songs so well. that stretch of 'soul, dont understand and let me be mine' is my favorite part of the record.

nope. sheldon ate them.

it really is just two and a half men with some science lingo tossed in every now and then.

where not talking about a guy who built chavez ravine here. Home base is not the issue.

i bro out to 'judy and the dream of horses' all the time. perfect song for getting drunk, picking fights and fucking bitches.

that new spoon record is near perfect.

bun b-"the story" is worth a spin.

really have to take trebeck to task for mangling Neko Case.

when i was in college i ran with a gang. that gang was called the feel goods. it wasnt the toughest gang in the world it was more like running with the cast of a broadway musical. very annoying. lot of freaky interpretive dancing, beads, make-up. in other words drugs brendan.

couldnt help but think of The Clipse when i heard keys open doors.

you ever have an ostrich burger?

he can cook a mean bird. i would avoid the broccoli though. vile weed.

the promo is hilarious. " oh 'DUMB' starbucks"

it was called "the net" with the girl from "the bus"