temocil sales rep

that category hopping strategy is annoying.

yeah this is a huge oversight.

that article you linked was a very good read. i dont know how much of it is absolutely true but it was entertaining to say the least.

*throws bass guitar way up in the air*

ive used george costanza's always look annoyed and people think your busy bit to good use.

single sounds pretty good. i really want another pharmacists record but this will work.

He seems depressed. He's lost his appetite. He's even curtailed his autoerotic activities.
And we think this is directly related to the altercation he had with you.

damn i really liked family tree. it got better each episode.

i was kinda indifferent to this band but one night i was listening to the radio and a ten minute live version of whipping post came on that blew my mind. one of the best blue eyed soul songs IMO

i was partial to mitts riff on trees being the right height in michigan.

can i get shorts on that smoke man?

i also thought the final was a dickens work.


im perfectly fine with every other article being about malkmus or pavement.

"idle" and "gas panic" are the only songs of theirs i still listen to from that period. im glad noel went solo.

its definitely not bad for later period oasis.

god, the "be here now" era. so much cocaine.

exactly. there was so much meaning in that last shot that really tied it together. for me anyways.

canada cakes for all!

i thought it was great and still do. holds up surprisingly well. juno does not hold up at all IMO