The Unlearned Astronomer


Asshole finally got what's comin to him!

Wait wait wait a second. I'm a bearded white guy who smokes marijuana in public in New York out of e-cigarettes all the time, and I never feared being stopped or arrested before. This is news to me!

Man, that does suck. I always love seeing black guys at shows. Inclusivity is a wonderful thing.

Oh goddamnit you're telling me I can't listen to Inquisition or fucking Cobalt now without having a moral crisis? Oh goddamnit.

Is that fuckin John Waters?? Oh, this I GOTTA see.

"Ok guys, there's been just your plain Batman, okay then Batman RETURNS, okay then they aimed for the moon and gave us Batman FOREVER, then okay they brought it back down and tried to contain the camp with Batman and Robin, okay okay and then some time, and then a rebirth and what would later be called reimagining,

I love Cap and am on his ideological side despite maybe the language or methods used.

Sooo… Not a nerd??

Did she end up down in the hospital on Guerero street?

Seriously. I can't TAKE IT ANYMORE

I love those records.


A quick google search for "video game movies" will confirm that the bar isn't high. However the first RE movie isn't just "not bad" but "fun" and "gory cool" and "wot."

Mastodon - "Orange"

Mmm. I love to be that guy, so I saw Mastodon open for Clutch at the 9:30 Club I believe. They had only released Remission at this point and almost no one knew who they were. I wasn't a fan yet, but they immediately impressed me and I have been since. One of those "the opening band is heavier than the headliner"


It's "Blue Caprice." Not Caprese. That's a salad.

Community did it first!

Marry me!