
food books
Americans are notoriously fat! In the Head and in the Body! Their arses block drains for f..k's sake! They should take a note out of that classic RnB song and 'take a load off me'! Get fit before you blow up you freaking elephants!

A Man that likes golf more than biodiseversified sand dunes! And has a haircut that looks suspiciously like a wig! My God! Is there nae justice" Just kick the bam!

Poor lassie, with an overpowering Da, who shouldn't be dain thae things! A f…..g Wazzock! If you ask me! Anyway, she's nae Beauty, if you ask me! Ask me! Go on! Ask me!

I went to Uni once… It was a Bastard!

dass racist
What the f..k is wrong with Digestive Biscuits? They make you go man! You probably got barred because you couldn't stop spouting off shit about women being subservient to your male ego/racist/sexist will! Maybe you should just go off and f..k yourself! Or would that be seen as doing some self harm?

anyone who talks to a chair is suspect in my book! Unless he's addressing the House of Congress, in which case, he's just an idiot! Neil wasn't comming to America for nuthin you know!

end of days
In the 'end days', yes! There will be billowing of smoke and unsubstantiated torture! We are f…..g Americans after all! However, God kisses those he doesn't understand! And I'm f….d if I can understand Americees! God Bless, what he don't know! AMEN!

Kurt was never that prophetic… In the same way that Sartre was never a prophet,,, Both these thinkers chose to trivialise the events they saw happening around them! Kurt done it with humour! Sartre used cynicism to make his point! The thing is, they never gave back! They just gloated in the midst of their

Why the f..k is Kurt recommended reading for students doing degrees in post-modernism? Is it something to do with the equation that 10 is a number and 10 million is a statistic? I think we all knew that!

was kurt a veggie when he wrote 'slaughterhouse 5', or just another yank hankering after a barbie?

neil diamond
Neil Diamond once sung about being a Chair! Or, it might have been a Rug! Can't remember! Anyhoo! The Man's a fooking legend, So! Just lay off him, and go and get your own fooking Chair/Rug… whatever!

Micheal Jackson
Why couldn't Michael have just stayed true to his Soul roots! What was all that bullshit about being BAD! He didn't scare me, with his one handed gauntlet and trembling lip, I can tell you! But then again, I'm 48, and not 7, like the vast majority of his fans!