
Norm was on the Adam Carolla Podcast very recently and talked about that appearance on Millionaire. If I remember correctly, he was under the incorrect assumption that Regis knew the answers to the questions. So the way Regis was acting during the million dollar question threw him off, so he decided to quit while he

So did AV Club just abandon this show? I'm okay with it, if so, I was just curious what happened to the other reviews.

I hear you man. Does anyone else talk back to Elliot? Makes it feel like an interactive show. The weird part is when you start to answer the questions he asks you, Elliot almost seems to hear what you say and act accordingly. Or sometimes he hears you but doesn't fully believe you and starts to not trust you. How the

The staging of all scenes that contain both Elliot and Mr Robot has always made it so painfully obvious that they share the same body. Go back and check out the infiltration of Steel Mountain, with Mr Robot sitting in between the fSociety members, talking to Elliot on the radio. It's just him and his internal

I thought in this episode they said something about all of this going on across 3 months?

It's been one hell of a summer on cable.

Well, Tyrell was one of the faces in the mirror that he hallucinated last week.

But he was explaining what strangling someone was like (intoxicating, apparently) while putting on plastic gloves. I think the implications were pretty clear.

I think so… one part of your psyche is trying to harm the other. It's still you. Damn, that's a scary thought.

I enjoyed the scene but did anyone else cringe at the actor playing his partner? It's the first time I felt this show cast someone who wasn't quite up to what the scene was asking for. His dialog came across so cheesy.

Let's not forget that Fight Club was 1999. I'd say it's about time that something came out that was obviously inspired by it but heads in a completely different direction.

A coworker and I were discussing this and I felt like that plot point was handled well in the show. They weren't trying to pass off Anaheim as LA, Ray actually said it was Anaheim in the show.