
This post is what reading a David Foster Wallace novel feels like when drunk.

I've never seen Workaholics, but those three guys were the douchiest looking people I have ever seen on television. And I get the feeling the show glorifies their douchiness, in a Tosh kind of way. And God, Tosh is a Jimmy Stewart-esque instantly likeable every-man compared to those three douchebags.

It was subtext in the original show, and became very loud, out of character, obnoxious text in the episode because without any of the wackier characters they needed to make Michael crazy to generate any comedy.

I'd go to bat for Zack Synder's Dawn of the Dead (though after Man of Steel comes out he may no longer be maligned), and The Family Man- Brett Ratner (worth it just for how heroically long Nicolas Cage refuses to learn the value of family and lists how being a rich dick is obviously better).

Gregg Araki's more a really specific taste than maligned the same way someone like Paul WS Anderson is, but Mysterious Skin is definitely a weird case of a director producing an out of nowhere masterpiece and then going right back to the doing the same old shit.

His negatives may be less than Malcolm X's, but his positives are way, way less. I really don't see this book going into the canon with The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Even comparing him to Malcolm X is making way more of stretch than his most fervent haters would ever do (to match that leap in negativity I'd have to

I could go on and on about how Dan Savage doesn't believe in bisexuality and supported the invasion or Iraq and agrees with racial profiling and is in general a quite bigoted person who would probably at least casually homophobic if he wasn't gay, but what really gets me about the guy is how he's declared himself

I always think it's ironic that It Gets Better, which sells the message that once you finish high school and leave your small town everything is pizza and blowjobs, came to prominence around Tyler Clementi's suicide. A kid who finished high school, left his hometown to go to college, and then was bullied into suicide.

"there's a legion of pearl-clutchers doing their best to give "retarded" extra potency for no good reason—and worse, to reinforce the word's association with intellectually disabled people when it should be allowed to get some separation."
This is the exact same argument used by everyone who wants to go around using

I always think the mid-western condescension criticism of Payne says more about the viewers than his movies. I thought in About Schmidt Jack Nicholson played a flawed but basically sympathetic guy who you were supposed to relate to, and the mockery of the other characters was mostly from the perspective of Schmidt's

Oldboy was at Cannes, it won the Grand Prix. Tarantino was jury president that year, so I doubt the violence counted against it.

Except every review has said it's almost totally plotless and abstract and not at all like The Raid, which was a fun action movie. Nobody has said it's an action movie.

Saying a film got booed at Cannes is like saying someone left a negative comment about it on the Av Club, it means absolutely nothing. Pulp Fiction got booed and then won the Palme D'or.

I guess I'm mildly curious what someone could find racist about Drive. The villain is Jewish? That's the only thing I can come up with.

I agree with you somewhat, but your original post is confusing cause you're putting a guy who always writes his own movies on a list of people who should never direct movies from their own scripts, which makes it sound like you hate all his films.

Pairing that with his comments before, he demands that films have no context, back story, or characterization, and also that all the drama be subtextual.

Homophobes do tend to have an irrational fear of gay people though. It definitely comes from a different mental place than racism, though there's obviously fear involved in racism too. But I can't imagine an alternate universe version of the antebellum South where homophobes kept gay people as slaves. They'd be way

Your reasoning seems to assume that homophobes don't find fucking a man in the ass to be gay. I'd say they'd think it's pretty gay.

I don't want it to be 4chan or reddit or any goddamn message board. It's a comments section on a review, I expect to read comments about the review, and I don't need any characters around to give the joint atmosphere.

I never like things, but I gave wesandersonnut a like just cause him getting likes seems to upset you. The Av Club is not a community, there is no "we" who have collective code of comment ethics, and likes do not reward people as they have no value and are completely meaningless. Don't turn this into reddit where