
Haha, oops.

Haha, oops.

Edit: Slightly too quick to anger there.

Edit: Slightly too quick to anger there.

At first I thought this reference was clever, but then I thought about it and realised it makes no sense.

At first I thought this reference was clever, but then I thought about it and realised it makes no sense.

Ah Nathan, you can't only like Community for the high concept episodes. They're the icing on the cake, but the rest is still delicious cake, and eating a big ball of icing will just make you sick. In fact, don't they explain this in the show using a similar metaphor?

Ah Nathan, you can't only like Community for the high concept episodes. They're the icing on the cake, but the rest is still delicious cake, and eating a big ball of icing will just make you sick. In fact, don't they explain this in the show using a similar metaphor?

Not really true, unless you think the Halloween episode where Abed is Batman and the Dead Poet's Society professor episode are hacky and boring/ are a monster.

Not really true, unless you think the Halloween episode where Abed is Batman and the Dead Poet's Society professor episode are hacky and boring/ are a monster.

Haha, such intense hatred of Britta and also the colour auburn. What other random things drive you nuts?

Haha, such intense hatred of Britta and also the colour auburn. What other random things drive you nuts?

For Our consideration: Up is down maybe? Is black actually white?

For Our consideration: Up is down maybe? Is black actually white?

Yeah, having the black character be a wise cracking sidekick is leaps and bounds. You're fulfilling Dr. King's dream Hollywood!

So basically the reason you can't relate to this movie is you don't look like any of the actors? I think you're supposed to use your imagination a bit more Sporks.

So basically the reason you can't relate to this movie is you don't look like any of the actors? I think you're supposed to use your imagination a bit more Sporks.

Someone should make a movie about a middle class white man whose life is so hard because he can't relate to all these movies about middle class white people whining.

Someone should make a movie about a middle class white man whose life is so hard because he can't relate to all these movies about middle class white people whining.

Apatow movies always have the laziest titles. I thought Funny People was as bad as it could get but this "The 40 Year Old Sexually Active Person" is a new low.