
"Either Breaking Bad or Mad Men"? Come on, you know it's gonna Mad Men. Mad Men will do a Sopranos and Breaking Bad will have an awesome Shield style bloody reckoning finish.

Absolutely. I remember before Synedoche New York when there were rumours that Kaufman's next film was gonna be a horror film, I remember thinking "wasn't Being John Malkovich his horror film?"

Ugh, so much terrible in this post. Refusing to watch a tv show because of some mild negative gossip you read about it's creator, knowing lots of stuff about a guy whose tv show you've never even watched, using the word cyberbullying, crying about someone talking shit on twitter like it's the worst thing in the world

See Conan, Cattivo still cares about you. Come down from the ledge.

You can just expect Darrell Hammond to drop all his important business and appear on your television show. Chipolte don't just give you the day off whenver you ask, y'know.

Does HBO Go let you download the shows or just stream them? Cause streaming's okay, but for the good dramas I really wanna be able to just download them and watch them on my tv, and I'd pay a reasonable amount of money for a service that let me do that legally and quickly. They could even stick in some ads and I'd

I accept your apology.

Guys, at that link Sepinwall says that it's no longer 13 episodes, it's the full 22. Are you underselling the goodness of this news?

Aside from a brighter colour scheme, how is Big Fish any different from his usual "look at this interesting set design" shit?

I think when anything is for sale it's implied that the makers don't want you to steal it. But I don't play by their rules, fuck the man. I'm a super cool rebel and I'll never ever be any good.

You seem like the kind of guy who brags about how he doesn't even own a tv.

FX are awesome though, and gave him unprecedented freedom to do his great show. Don't knock FX. Seriously, I'll fight you.

If you wanted to be able to watch it for free, you could have just torrented it. I did(and I got a great guilty thrill out of it, probably how Winona Ryder feels after she shoplifts). The $5 is basically a suggested donation to the Louis CK fund, don't see how it coming on tv should make a difference.

I guess if you want to discount sales as a measure of popularity (on the grounds that there can be artists like MC Hammer who sold a lot but no one likes anymore) you can. But talking about what's played in the clubs you go to and so forth is still a much worse way to

If you don't have a nielson box on your tv nobody gives a shit what you watch.

Poor NBC. They make good shows, almost nobody watches them, and then from the people who do watch them they get nothing but hatred. They just can't win.

Oh come on, that was clearly a joke and not an actual Irving paragraph. What are you, some kind of guillible idiot? Did the bit about hyper-werewolves not tip you off?

Hardy Boys, too easy. Nancy Drew, too hard. Aah, Bonfire of the Vanities!

Star Wars gave us Jedis and lightsabers and Darth Vader and Harrison Ford and all kinds of awesome shit, then ruined it with midicholorons and stupid jamaican frogs. Avatar gave us unobtanium and Sam Worthington, and it only got more retarded from there. No comparison.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus @avclub-7ed334513e65f01deefba9e87e53ea94:disqus
Ok, fair enough, I should have put Life After Death in that match up, rather than Ready to Die. But Tupac's greatest hits album sold over 10 million as well. I still can't see any way you can spin it to look like more