
I think the guy who just thinks Omar is cool deserves a punch in the nuts far less than the guy who thinks he has a deep understanding of the environment that created him because he watched a fucking tv show.

If Simon gets mad about debating which character is best, I can only imagine the furious rage he'd unleash if he knew about the "Where's Wallace?" meme?

Yeah, and the Godfather. Where did he come with such brilliant original plots like a mafia family who go to war with another mafia family. Surely the most brilliant film since the Boondock Saints.

Imagine it was actually a masterpiece, even better than the original. There's gotta be some direct to dvd hack out there who's secretly talented, and is just waiting for his shot. This is Martin Guigui's shot.

Oh, I know he has, they're just not very good. That was my point, that his short set was very good but when he tries to stretch his persona and style beyond that it doesn't work.

Demetri Martin wrote a pretty fantastic 15 minutes of comedy, but that's it, that's all he's got. Hard to base a whole career on 12 jokes, at least Zach Galifinakis is a decent actor.

They all leave their phones in the car, but that's the least implausible thing about the movie. Watch the trailer, it crams so many plotholes into 3 minutes it's impressive.

Ever noticed how when white people say things are "so white" they're always talking about something rich and educated people do. It seems like some humblebrag racism to me: "oh isn't it lame how us white people are so smart and rich. I'm so jealous of the blacks, it must be so cool being poor and dumb like they all

I remember reading how a lot of small businesses jumped on the groupon thing when it was new, but then they realised that the deal they get is so bad (Groupon keeps 50% of everything you sell at their discount prices) that it was driving them bankrupt. I'm guessing a lot of them ended up doing desparate things like

Eh, mratfink, I see your point, but honestly, "good to hear" would have been much better. That's an opinion which, while not adding loads, people could at least possibly respond to. Making a reference to another show that you know everybody likes (and one that gets made almost every time Game of Thrones is mentioned)

I got the reference, I just felt like giving him shit for being all douchey and specific. I like that you posted the exact quote below though, even though, as you said, everyone already knows what it is.

You could have posted an opinion or a joke or contributed to a discussion either, but you didn't. You posted a lame reference to something you were sure absolutely everyone would get, that had no purpose other than announcing that you like the same thing everybody else here does, cause you're part of a whole group of

Midnight in Paris is his most successful film? Is that gross adjusted for inflation, or is it like how Dick Tracy is Al Pacino's most successful film?

I looked it up. You could have called him Ben from Parks and Recreation or Adam Scott. Calling a character like that by their full name sounds kind of douchey for some reason, like people who say Bobby DeNiro.


Mrs. Gods Pancakes summation of the West Wing's politics is pretty much correct, however, it was still a really good show.

Sammidvisjr wins the award for most unlikely opinion to ever be expressed on the av club. Only way to top it would be for someone to post "wow, I didn't think Two and Half Men could get any better, but that Ashton Kutchner is so charming and likeable".

Close, but if you watch the trailer the bear is actually Peter from Family Guy.

Haha, Rabin has cleaned up his act and johnnyb is Rabin now!

Of your examples, only the Wire and possibly the Sopranos(for most viewed) works. I reject your thesis.