
I can't even imagine the mentality of someone who would read an interview with a person they like and decide they were stupid. So the funny show he writes and stars in counts for nothing now? This interview is the be all and end all for Rob McElhenney? There's enough crap dudes out there that you don't need to go

You can still get away infallible, just tell them how you like Community.

Nah, junior, the golden age was a couple of years ago. Site used to be more diverse, with different types of people not all talking about the same 4 or 5 things.

You get the impression though that if the situations had been reversed and Dane Cook had invited Louis to be on his show, he probably wouldn't have even answered his email. All in all Cook comes off pretty well for agreeing to do the show and being completely willing to submit himself to be portrayed how Louis wanted

What do all you people do that you can be online so much during the day?

The most obnoxious thing about LeadingExpert's post is the "yawn, I'm too cool for this music but I guess I'll talk about if I must" attitude. You're writing a song by song review of the album when no one asked you to. No one is fooled, we know you care.

Those movies all just felt like set-up for Joss Whedon's Animal Collective movie.

We've all worn shopping bags for underwear, Mr. Fancy. You're the weird one for thinking it's weird.

Zuckerberg may have an alpha life, but his personality isn't alpha. I doubt he's great at picking up girls in bars (unless he uses the pick up line "hi I'm billionaire facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg")

Having your main character, who presumably the audience have sympathised with to some degree, die, and then having all the other characters talk about what a piece of shit he was… That's the darkest thing any mainstream tv show has ever done. It'd almost qualify as edgy if the jokes weren't so shit.

Really? It's a fat joke.

"I ran a sushi train on these guys in Tokyo."

Oh, Patrice O'Neal, right. For a minute there I thought Sean O'Neal was actually at this roast.

Here's a hypothetical: If during the election Obama used a child as a human shield, would you not vote for him? Knowing the only alternative is to vote Republican.

If he achieves even a moment of perfect happiness it turns him evil, and Toby has to kill him.

The new policy is every writer will review Community, so you can get all their unique takes on how it's great.

Yeah, calling someone a hipster because they like a band you're cool to like is about the most hipster thing you can do. But if the show's gonna attempt to sort out who's a hipster and who's not a hipster it's mythology is gonna be more convoluted than Lost by episode 3.

And of course all the removed comments come from unregistered users. When ya gonna clean out these vermin, Av Club?

That's the excuse I use when I'm in other countries too.

Yeah, I thought it was pretty balanced too. You can sympathise with Gosling's character, but at the same time understand how it'd be hard for Michelle Williams to stay living with such a whiny loser.