
Yeah, but the actual review pretty much beat the shit out of it, and I'd say Payne's last 3 films are all As, so if this is right that's a pretty big comedown.

Wow, that's a harsh review for The Descendants. Can it really suck that much? Alexander Payne doesn't generally make bad films.

Meet Jack Burton. He's found himself at a strange site where TV Club classic episodes receive grades. Perhaps Mr. Burton has left the Av Club and wandered into… The Twilight Zone.

Also, the right wing never worry about their actions reinforcing left wing beliefs. There's absolutely no tea baggers going "oh maybe if Bush hadn't been so right wing we wouldn't have Obama now, so it's really our fault". They just push ahead with their own stuff, which is why they always control the dialogue.

I agree with Haden. It's stupid to judge the black panthers by today's standards and say they were too extreme, when they started the idea that black people weren't inherently inferior to white people was relatively new, and a lot of people weren't into it.

Les Mis is a great musical, the only problem I see with this they should have had Christian Bale play Javert. That's a no brainer obvious choice.

He did make that facebook movie though, so there's a chance he understands the internet a little more now than he used to.

You know what they say, if you can't spot the secretary everybody fucks within the first 5 minutes of a new job, then you are the secretary everybody fucks.

No, what the world really needs is another rich white crusader for the working class complaining about how every film isn't Precious.

Youth in Revolt- underrated film.

We're shocked that Cannes like things that are boring? Tree of Life swept the boards.

Where in the reviews does he say Scotland's not in Britain?

Honestly, is not knowing True Grit was a book really that big an offense anyway? It's not like Charles Portis is this great celebrated novelist, if it weren't for the movie adaptations Phipps wouldn't know who he was either.

Ha, I never noticed the tickets were to a Sandals resort. Tony Soprano and Michael Scott have the same game plan when it comes to the ladies.

Interesting though that when Melfi's ex-husband tells her that in season 1, it's presented as him being a condescending douche, but by the end the show comes around to his point of view.

If there's one type of thread that sums up av club commenters, it's the ones where everyone bitches about what idiots their friends are and how they hate them.

I agree that nerds are the smart ones. I always had geeks as people like Trekkies who are obsessed with things of no consequence (that's why there's theatre geeks but no theatre nerds) and then a dork is anybody who is clumsy or socially awkward.

It makes perfect sense. Just cause something is true doesn't make it significant. One could easily argue that the fact that the top 5 films of the summer were all sequels this year is insignificant, given that last year 4 of the top 5 films of the year were sequels, and one was a remake.

Whether of not the top 5 grossing movies of the summer being sequels is significant seems like a completely subjective interpretation.

I assume it's talking about her super energetic "I'm cheerful please like me" performance at the Oscars. That was months ago though.