
Nothing you said was incorrect…mostly. Oliver IS a dick, but that was part of the point, I thought. As I understood it, Oliver couldn't deal with that much of a real situation, so he just avoided it altogether. He's a kid who lives in his head and who has a completely warped sense of reality, and then reality itself

I always assumed Wall-E liked Hello Dolly because it was pretty much the only movie he could find. A part of me wonders what would've happened if he'd found Triumph of the Will. Had it been written by Charlie Kaufman, he would have found Wall-E.

I like Juno a lot. I might even say I love it. Heck, for a while I put it on my list of favorite movies. But a few years ago, I read the screenplay and I was amazed at how anyone thought about making it. It's not that it's bad, but that the dialogue is downright annoying. In fact, reading the script is what's

Yeah, mine too. Although he loves 80s B movies more than anything.

Is your friend's name Joe? He sounds identical to a friend of mine. He also doesn't want to se it, because this looks very different from 80s action movies (especially the one this is a remake of) and I don't understand why bring MOS up, but oh well.

He is correct in that the statistics for the homicides of women are not exactly as high as  they are in other mexican cities or states or in places of the world, He is also correct that people lead pretty normal lives here, no matter what. And not all of Juárez looks like a hellhole, but thanks to recent work done to

In reply to Baltimore Tom: As someone who lives in Juarez, I both agree and disagree with what he has to say about the show and Juarez overall. With all due respect to the man, I wouldn't take his article as an excellent rebuttal of this show.