
Trace is good, I like the songs "Windfall," and "Drown" a lot.

I like the idea of Jay Farrar better than I like Jay Farrar. He gets points for being in Uncle Tupelo, but I can barely listen to most of his solo stuff.

I love the Mermaid Avenue Sessions, I downloaded this album, and the first two tracks are solid. I don't know that it will be possible for them to top Wilco and Billy Bragg, but I'm sure it will be worth a listen.

If you have to ask you will never know.

Shouldn't this just be a list of Mudhoney songs?


I saw it last night
and thought it was pretty terrible. To be fair I didn't think it would be good going in, and in no way did the movie change my opinion. It was easily once of the most shameless cash grabs in years. It is exactly the same as the first one, every joke is revisited with the slimmest of a new slant. It

Chris Brown - master of self awareness
Apparently it's hard for people to get past Chris Brown beating a woman to a pulp and just enjoy his music. He just wants to move on guys, but there goes America drinking that haterade again. Why can't people just focus on the words coming out of his mouth instead of Rihanna's

For the love of all that is indecent would you please fucking cover walking the room goddamnit. Also maybe some fitzdog radio (terrible name, awesome podcast) Greg Fitzimmons is very funny, and he and Mike Gibbons are good together when he's on.

You should definitely cover Walking the Room. It has rapidly become one of my favorite, and probably the funniest podcast out there. The desperation, sadness, and anger of Dave Anthony and Greg Behrendt make for one of the most entertaining hours you can listen to. Clown from the neck down.

If this doesn't work out I'm going to need the temporary forgettingness that only a forget me now pill can bring.

Pretty good list GhaleonQ you seem to listen to about as many as me. Although I completely disagree with your take on Marc Maron and WTF. The guy is brilliant, and it is fascinating to listen to him talk without any fear of hiding how he really feels about any subject. He has no filter, and will share his personal

Podcast basically have prevented me from doing anything else
My current podcast obsession is Walking the Room with Dave Anthony and Greg Behrendt. I am a cuddla and clown from the neck down. Out of ones they didn't mention I like the Bugle with John Oliver, Monday Morning Podcast with Bill Burr, Sklarbro County, and

Way better
This video was way better than the last one. I assume they shot this all at the same time, and they are clearly all way more comfortable on camera. I also kinda liked the google, wiki, imdb stuff more this time too. Everyone got involved more and if it stays like this, and even continue to improves a

It actually communicates pretty well. Based on the promo they are using it as a seal, much like a copyright seal, to say this is comedy centrals style of comedy. This is our seal of approval. They play a joke, freeze frame, and then stamp there logo on it saying "this is comedy central" pretty effective much more so

I'm a Graphic Designer
so my opinion matters more than yours. When I first looked at it I kind of hated it, but then I saw it in the promo and changed my mind. That promo is pretty slick graphically, and I like the way they used the mark. When they don't have the 'central' upside down (as they did several times in the

I don't know if emotionally powerful is the way I would describe my reaction to Martyrs (I agree thats what makes Irreversible so shocking) it's a little too clinical at the end for that. It's definitely a unique cinematic experience. If I had to compare it to any movie I think Irreversible is the closest I could

@Flaubert Cooper I felt the same way going into Martyrs, that there was no way it could be worse than Irreversible, boy was I wrong. The last scene that he didn't want to describe is far more disturbing, as is the entire movie in general.

Never Not Funny is bar none the best hour and half of entertainment you can enjoy each week. Jimmy Pardo is one of the best. He's a joy, and I wish him luck in all his endeavors as I do all podcasters. Can't wait for the new season.

this is definitely the best new show this season (which I don't mean as an insult, considering how weak most of the new shows are, because this is a legitimately awesome show). I love it, and am enjoying it more than Boardwalk Empire.