
This is the worst review I've ever read on the AV Club. 90% of it could have been written at any time, about any Simpsons season premiere in the last decade sight unseen.

Please fuck off with pretending you know anything about libertarianism.

Eh, if Wikipedia gets the final say, then you're right.

Sorry, Homicide should have been on here twice.

New to you?

odd definition of new
"Chatman's new straight-to-DVD film Final Flesh tops them all"

I was ready to fight with the B-, but then someone compared the show's pacing to that of the Sopranos, which reminded me that tonight's episode had that mental-freakout-in-the-form-of-a-dream-sequence. And you know what? Fuck those goddamned buttfucking dream sequences. Fuck them in the Sopranos, fuck them in

Got a quote in, and I'm going to personally take credit for just barely squeaking Gone Baby Gone into the top ten.

From his facebook, re: the second book:
"Currently, I'm re-reading and revising it, in order to meet the publication date in 2008."

Name of the Wind really does deserve the hype it's getting in the fantasy circles—it's the first time since The Color of Magic or The Gunslinger that I've been this enthralled with a fantasy world. And with only three books, Rothfuss is keeping it enticingly short—it took us fifty years, but we've

It's nice that you've spent your life "among" poor people, but either you've got your eyes closed to what they're doing or you and I live in completely different worlds.

I appreciate your flippancy, but yes, they are all drug users or drunks. Work a shitty job for a few months and you'll find out that that for the majority of your coworkers, recreation isn't vacations, museum trips, or trying out new restaurants; it's pot or booze. I work a menial job now, and I have five coworkers.

Writer poses? I don't know what you're talking about—honest. I think you might be confusing the author with the majority of his fans. And I was talking about Post Office and Factotum, not Women or the majority of his short stories—even I found Women a tough go.

I think you're reading the wrong Bukowski, then. Post Office and Factotum do a good job of illustrating the soul crushing monotony of minimum wage jobs, even if Bukowski himself doesn't represent the working class. Single and childless, Bukowski was able to leave town whenever a job had run its course, and he lived

where did they get this asshole
This jackass says he likes rap music and then brings up Kanye's as the best album this year?

nickel and dimed
In case anyone reading this review is tempted to go pick up Nickel and Dimed, don't waste your time. The bulk of the book is enjoyable, but Ehrenreich never really commits fully to the experiment, and she fails to fully account for the things that really scare the working poor. As a single woman

Nathan, I'm really hoping you didn't review the bootleg, just because if you did, you're very late to the party. Like others have said, the ODB tribute track is NOT on the American release. The American release only has the first fourteen tracks (although Best Buy has the fifteenth, "Tar Pit," as well.)

A C??
Come on, a C? This episode deserves at least an A-quadruple-plus for the sole reason that the producers didn't fuck us over and give Sam and Nicole any chance whatsoever of winning. Thank God.

Uh, guys, you already have a DVD section.

Marisa Tomei doesn't do nudity? She showed her tits when I saw her in Salome with Pacino a few years back.