
Not gonna lie, I was kind of okay with this being the series finale if that's what it is until you mentioned Control and Shaw and then I was like hell no, them working together? I've got to see that shit.

Um, Elias' mother was murdered when he was a small child, while he was in the house. He spent time in a boy's home, which are usually not bastions of sunshine and goodwill. He tried to connect with his father by working his way up in the organization only to have his father have him taken out to be shot like a rapid

exactly. Considering the damage the human 'moral code' has done, I was bothered by his insistence that the problem with an AI in charge is that it doesn't have our moral code. I'd much rather something along the lines of Angel's "I didn't say we were smart, I said it's our right. It's what makes us human."