
I'm already dead on the inside, so you'd just be making my exterior match my interior.

This news I've missed has made me unreasonably happy and is slowly instilling faith in me that this movie might just not be a colossal mis-step (not to be confused with Colossus mis-stepping).


They'll probably cast him as Kal-El's dad in Krypton.

He was an executive producer on Hellcats in-between which seems like a fitting mid-point. (Hellcats was a show about college-age cheerleaders doing gymnastic routines).

Melissa Joan Hart aka Sabrina keeps stealing his roles.

Literally? Massive euphemism?

I thought we called that Monday? Or is Tuesday the new Monday?

Do you rate DM as good, bad or meh? where on your Sci-fi bar does it fall? Killjoys is my yay! show, DM my why not watch it when they've got an awesome AI (weird how the actress became the weakest link on Lost Girl to the strongest link on DM) & WE is in my i'll get to it eventually folder.

That would be the ideal scenario - depends on the new creative team's sense of direction though as to what execution style they'd go with.

I would die of happiness if that became a series - live action or audio-book-based. A close second is seeing a River/Benny Summerfield rivalry over anthropological techniques.

I'd rather see Bad Wolf again as opposed to Rose who was a bit of a simpleton (that said I am excited for the limited edition 10th Dr audio adventures where Piper & Tennant will be reuniting in November).

I wanted Bill back too. My only concern with having her back with the new Dr would've been the potential for a NuWho dr/companion romantic pairing - a concept i never warmed too (not because I'm against showcasing a Bill love-story on-screen which i'm all for or even the new female Dr finding lady-love, more just

Keep dreaming (or listening to Big Finish audio stories) - that's not going to happen on tv again.

Yes, how dare a show use its own mythology. They should only use characters and actors from the past season and never recall or remember anything that has happened in a character's past because that's the only way to have a rewarding viewing experience. In fact, why even watch or listen to anything at all because as

Yeah, but have a kid as a companion, & have a strange old person whisking them off for adventures produces a disturbing allegory for outright kidnapping (even if the parents are conveniently dead, there's a chain of custody that should be followed). There's issues of consent (can a child without a fully-formed brain

the original MacGuyver?

What about Gentleman Ghost (though i still hold out for him to be a Vixen villain)?

Team them up with Livewire and Silver Banshee for a Femme Fatales villain-team?

Waiting for that Amy Acker appearance as an amazing recurring villain who gets promoted to series regular due to popular demand (the Barrowman factor).