
Bigger cast, so probably spaced out over more than a week, but that said, Barrowman has definitely said he's done with the CW universe.

The end of season 3 was my drop-out point. It was the moment where I was like - i've given them too much slack, they obviously don't know what made this show work all the way back in season 1, which was the non-romantic chemistry between the two leads.

As Elfman & Cruise have proven you can still do acting stuff, be a horrible person behind the scenes & be part of a cult. If true, Mack would only have two of those 3 - completely manageable.

It's a fun continuation. Only one sorta shocking thing happens but it's still an enjoyable read, though mostly because you see the formation of a proper Justice League for Smallville's universe & the MVP of season 11/the couple of continuation arcs that followed was Tess Mercer.

Cyborg & Aquaman's made a funny sort of sense. Barry's less so.

Basically it was 'a long time ago, when we used to be…' 'i hadn't thought, about it lately at all'

I liked the thought of her as WatchTower (a role passed onto Tess Mercer eventually, but that worked too - especially in season 11)

Totally get it, but it weirdly worked for Smallville. & it was only because Hartley sold Green Arrow that we got Arrow at the CW.

Let's put it this way …. *spoilers ahead*

I hope not - i haven't seen Chicago Med season 2, but for a medical program the actor got a lot of quality screen-time in season 1 with a surprisingly well-rounded character for a medical show (though his character still had parental hang-ups)

What if it were a Earth 2 version of Donna Smoak who is weirdly super-competent, defies conventional female norms and knows how to get stuff done?

Ummmmmm - somebody hasn't been reading the AV Club's Newswire feed diligently enough have they? Warning if not finished the latest season - the newswire does have main cast update spoilers.

& that weird Vigilante who was never revealed by the end of season 5.

Well the extreme 'This is Us' pretty-boy version of 'the other green-with-envy Batman'. but i found her interesting as Watchtower/voice of reason/failed journalist/occasional user of superpowers depending on how much meteorite/Braniac she was exposed to.

The CW definitely has a thing about them - Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Jane the V. I can't recall anyone on Legends with a cop, but i'm sure its a matter of time (would it count if somebody hooked up with Jonah Hex - he is a Sheriff?)

I just want Birds of Prey. & whilst never the greatest version of Huntress, the character is hardly un—salvageable if given the right plot-line & a bit more personality.

The actress got shipped out to another Berlanti-produced show: The Mysteries of Laura (then she ended up in the season of Sleepy Hollow nobody cared about because they destroyed all their good will).

She's like Lurch - she only appears when summoned. Either that or she's spent 5 years on a hellish Island & can now wield medieval weaponry, has grown a long beard & has a list of people who have committed atrocities to her city that she will seek vengeance against - & the Queens are on the list…

I'm still holding out for Allison Mack to appear as a Evil, uber-powered Chloe Sullivan with an axe to grind with Ollie (or just have her pop up as an ex-wife Oliver doesn't remember).

The Sarah Lance from the pilot who was then recast? - introduce her as a deleted timeline aberration whose appearance changed thanks to FLash's /Legends meddling with time?