
To be fair, you'd probably change too if you were suddenly transformed into a semi-omnipotent being capable of traversing time & space.

That makes my day.

It'd be interesting ( i think) if to explain the actor change for the 1st Dr, they end up revealing it's a 1st Dr from an alternate universe, Capaldi's dr refuses to regenerate & dies, & then next season we follow the adventures of David Bradleys' dr for a season who will then regenerate into a completely different

Probably Agents of Shield season 1 writers.

If you want to get into Big Finish, start with your favourite Dr and/or companion is my recommendation. If budget-conscious, they semi-frequently have sales where you can snap up stories for cheap (there'll be a sale on a couple of stories this upcoming Saturday/Sunday to tie-in to the season finale of Dr Who on TV

it's all elec-trickery.

or the script department didn't know how much the BBC censors would let them get away with so they aired on the side of caution by not going overboard with the suicidal outbursts.

Hey we've had multi-coloured Daleks e.g. early Matt Smith era - why not multi-coloured Cyberman *this episode on Project Cyberman Next Top Model - your challenge, should you accept it, is to take a model of Cyberperson of your choice and make. them. fabulous!*

Hey DG is a great Nightwing!

Disappointed Hell's Kitchen isn't a 2nd Daredevil show.

Gotta do Outlander season 2, i did enjoy most of season 1, give or take the constant need for male characters that weren't Jaime during that period trying to take non-consensual advantage of the lead (yes i know its indicative of the time & part of the narrative, but it doesn't mean i have to enjoy watching it,

Well the voice talent now gets to do Tangled Ever After (cartoon tv series) so they can inoffensively continue.

That hurts Ariel, Mulan & Pocahantas' feelings.

I'll take Emperor's New Groove & Tangled. Although the Robinsons trumps them all.

Nah they'd probably get Gabrielle to save money for the CGI.

Isn't that Beyond Good & Evil 2?

Reign's were prettier (though less historically accurate, but that was Reign to a T)

Serenity isn't better than the original TV show though. I would defend those 2 Charlie's Angels movies as being better than any of the tv versions though - go in knowing it's cheesy trash & you'll have a ball of a time.

My problem with the Abbey was always the lack of screentime for Maggie, who was the only reason i watched the show in the first place.

He's actually one of Sam Wilson's Captain America's sidekicks at the moment in the comics (Diamondback also popped up).