
He did almost as much heavy-lifting as the monkey playing Jack in the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels & the monkey only had half the talented support.

That scene was my own personal nightmare - as a book-lover i was like: you monster!

A smarter person would make a wry, lurid comment about how the Egyptology department was 'dusting the pyramids so to speak' but i lack the wit and subtlety to pull that off.

She was in an Oz movie? Didn't realise it was her though, & wasn't overly fussed with her acting in that.

i still liked the brother in the 3rd oneā€¦

I'm already in my cinema seat for TinTin2 (Tinx2?)

A plot-point which Pirates would use multiple times. but seriously Jack needs a spin-off - he never gets enough screen-time in the sequels.

Sorry, not sorry, but Returns remains my favourite (& i thought the kid came across as precocious not annoying personally). I also liked the action/CGI stuff in 3, but they really should have just thrown more money at Rachel Weisz until she said yes (look at the 2 movies she filmed for 2008 instead - both clunkers).

Such a smart decision putting the americanised Misfits on a cable channel that will have to remove all the profanity, persistent 'romantic' escapades & gore that defined the original.

Catering would have gotten a very strange look when they went to the supermarket to buy those supplies. 3000 jellybeans - someone's riding a sugar-high!

the jellybean scene when retrieving the staff piece?

Amazeballs - have rewatched on Youtube like 50 times. Have shown to every friend & family member so i have an excuse to rewatch it another 2/3 times.

S V S would've been the greatest though if Wonder Woman had made a cameo & they did the 'i though she was with you' line

I had to rewind to relisten to that reveal by Kat after Kara left the room it was so blink & you miss it. Also I hope Supergirl put out those fires they were talking about on the tv before zooming into space.

You can start rewinding in a theatre if you start enacting a live-action action/espionage film, including romancing the usher.

I heard he had a gluten allergy and the murder weapon was bread. It was a Matter of Loaf and Death!

Never intentionally because y'know it's sort of frowned upon to act like a teething toddler when things don't exactly go one's way & just start intentionally throwing expensive, hard to clean up things around .

it would've paid off had we seen a team-up sequel.

Best part of the last Bourne movie was Stiles (& the motorbike chase-scene - it was gripping).

He grabbed the sonic, not the kid. I consider it very let - & most other shows would have considered re-opening the ice with something, probably the sonic to try and save the kid.