
I should've probably quibbled regarding further specification regarding religious extremists more than the entire society as a whole, but i was feeling equal parts lazy & fecicious that day. If ones gonna generalise though, i guess i went why not swing for the rafters?

Pretty sure her character was from Jersey with some italian heritage - is that considered diverse?

Yeah next time wants to spend that much cash they should just pull a Nicki Minaj & give 12 really deserving people an episode's worth of cash.

No, my life demands a full series of unfortunate events. I'd also like to see a colourful optimist sprung from an underground bunker find her true place in the world,

Dawn & dusk?

No, Uluru IS the mansion. The occupants are just introverts who always have the windows shut so that's why it always looks like nobodies home inside that rocky abode.

still less for us to live down then the Oval Office's current occupant.

they're the ghosts of figures lost. They have a vendetta against the doughnut industry.

Rizzoli. She was also awesome in Agent Cody Banks. & no, there's no sarcasm in my comment.

You'd think they'd just do what they did with Roswell - figure out the 3 most important songs from the show or any songs that are integral to the plot because characters are lip-synching to the radio, etc so it can't be excluded or can't be isolated from the dialogue & then just replace the rest.

It's a crank-less job, but somebody had to do it. We thank you.

it's a very Count Olaf-esque form of villainy.

Doesn't mean she wasn't the best part of that Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana movie though - who doesn't love a good showdown where a high heel gets imbedded in the wall of a department store after being used as a ninja throwingstar?

I believe western culture has already sent plenty of representatives with that message. One more weaponless pasty white guy isn't gonna swing it me thinks.

Only if you hadn't watched Pitch Perfect 1 or any other musical movie since before the sound of music. Saying PP2 was good, is like saying Grease 2 was better than the original.

No, i blatantly ignore any religious comparisons & focus on it purely as a work of fantasy (it helps to know nothing about religion - God's son is the Christianity 2nd edition right?

It was her choice not to believe.

Please be better than Pitch Perfect 2.

Had to google that & my reaction is eww, golf! *runs away*

I'm devastated we never got a Final Battle - it was my favourite of the books - & not just because the annoying kids died.