
I'm pretty sure Do Over aired more than 2/3rds of it's eps before getting pulled. Truthfully I didn't discover it til a couple years later on Youtube (being too young when it originally aired to watch non-kid tv). I remembered liking it, then refound the episodes several years later after the initial watch and did a

the CW ALWAYS has a sacrificial lamb - they just package it slightly differently sometimes so it doesn't look that way - last season's was the 'limited series' Contagion (& burn-offs Star-crossed & Messengers being the lambs for the tv seasons before). They always have that 3rd show as a sacrificial lamb so that if

Lee Pace in his pushing Daisies character? cause i'd pay to see a villainous version of that…

Why did Castle season 8 have to suddenly be so good? Adding the actress from the neighbors (Toks) worked so well, especially as they also balanced the cast's screen-time finally too. If it had been the same quality as the prior three seasons i would have been happy to see it go, but now I'm left feeling like there was

Well i'm assuming it's a loose definition of 'harm' - weight gain may not be seen as self-harm & if one were to get uber-critical, why eat at all? - I mean at some point they'll either have to invest in moisturiser or explain that 'aging' isn't harmful too.

Like many episodes of Simpsons, it would have been better without Homer - i loved the Burns-centric story (to be fair there's some bias - i'd love if later day simpsons stuck the titular family as back-ground characters for a season to let the Springfieldians run amok).

Since when is x-ray vision optional? - it should be the default setting.

As opposed to when they do a half-season arc and then don't have enough plot so have to stretch it out forever…imagine if this show acted like Scandal season 2 for half a season - it could be amazing!

I've been saying that about Daisy/Quake for three seasons now…

If they'd just let Belle completely break free from Rumple at this point, and they were just slightly sour exes towards eachother i think there's still quite a bit they could do with either character especially in relation to interacting with the rest of the cast.

I like the look of No Tomorrow! I doubt Gallivant would've been renewed regardless - now we get to watch the spin-off: Gallivant: Meeting the 21st Century.

I gotta disagree with this review - i actually enjoyed this episode. For one thing, Mary Margaret/Snow didn't annoy me for once and actually seemed to fit into the plot as more than a baby-making device - from her superior tracking skills trumping those of Emma & Charming & quite a cathartic heart-to-heart with Regina

Who needs to kid when its true.

I'm not kidding - it's a thing. I'm pretty sure the AV Club itself reported so.

I reckon he'd return because the press over the issue would get him black-balled from any other potential work (& he didn't have many prospects to begin with)

She'd grown on me over the last season & i'd still rather hear her sing than Rayna James.

I used to bounce between episodes of GrEEk which made me feel gooey inside, to Gossip Girl which made me feel kick-@$$ and a little envious.

Bonus: Reunion special being filmed for next year!!! Woot, woot, what what?

Meep meep - me sad now.

reallllly thought that sentence was gonna finish - was powered by mojo, another show by jojo! - then i was like - wait what's jojo? & then my eyes caught up to my brain…