
See i loved both of these episodes. With Scar it was as much the humans personifying their enemies as anything else.

Super-sappy but super-witty, fast-paced (so much caffeine!) and clever.

& the replacement luke's baseball cap where he went from black to blue for Lorelai

& then Luke has to tackle him! that was the test run of the Dragonfly i'm pretty sure where the entire town camped inside the hotel for the night!

Until he became a worse douche than Dean…

Although I can understand the practicality of it - Disney channel constantly has to worry about their child stars making adequate school hours, ABC's mostly cutting that out it seems.

Seasons 1&2 have moments (usually involving Stan Lee which I loved the fact he was so involved) and it gets points for at least shining a light on some underserved characters like White Tiger & the Heroes for Hire, Season 3 was mostly terrible (especially on the Parker front) but season 4 has been ok (multiple SPideys)


It wasn't as willing to embrace the costumes, Tombstone or whatever other gangsters who were running the show were never as compelling as Fisk, Parker's non-super life was more compelling in the 90's with his character out of high-school and the writing in the 2009 one was cartoon-writing that while interesting, was

When a book series or novel (or even a comic book story-arch) is so strong and well-written and someone chooses to adapt it into film, it seems foolish to me to go out of your way to then try and change it especially when it produces a weaker storyline (e.g. Harry Potter 5 & X-Men Last Stand). If the story is weaker

I know he's talking about the 2009 one - that's the one that gets all the hype and is seriously over-rated - it was meh fine from beginning to end. it was the 90's one that i liked.

Is the final episode a proper ending or is it a - invest all this time and then nothing is resolved/concluded ones?

Uh, Deadly would like a word with you…

Rubbing in stoner's regret that they didn't trip out to the Muppets?

I consider JL/JLU to be part of the B:TAS universe so i lump them into one and the same (and JL/JLU had quite a few duds between it's spectacular episodes). Debatably, YJ could be transcendentally connected to the JL universe. I consider B:TAS the best super-cartoon and X-Men 90's to have the best theme-tune.

Evolution's early seasons were really dull but the last two where they cut the high school pre-tense for the most part and went for broke was pretty good.

Spectacular Spiderman is seriously over-hyped by online communities. Sure it's fine, but it wasn't anything special and i disagree with anyone who says its better than the 90's Spiderman cartoon - as a kid i didn't even notice that Spider-man was never allowed to punch anyone (with lots of web-slinging and wrestling

You don't get to stick the Superman snooze-fest on the same playing field as any of the other shows mentioned.

Isn't that the mincer/pasta maker?

it also goes a little younger - i'm 23 & this show was my life, much to mother's chagrin.