
Sorta - it was an intermediate phase for the "character/plot device"

I don't know what else they could have really done after the fan backlash they got for having a Velma/Shaggy relationship constantly being upstaged by a third party. The only other option was to completely ret-con it I guess (although it would have been nice if they sent Velma on at least one other date with someone

It reeks of Daria meets Family Guy.

My expectations for this are way too high, but i can't help myself! Why? Why! WHYYYY!?!?!

In my opinion Mystery Inc. is the strongest rendition of Scooby since the guest-stars "New Movies" season. That said i am enjoying the jovial absurdity-acknowledgement that Be Cool Scooby does provide.

Was really surprised the health inspector didn't show up and stick a "burgers may contain fecal matter' sign to the front window.

Now make him replicate that chart adapted for Apartment 23! *mwah ha ha ha*!

i think it freed her up for Breaking Bad between those 2 right?

It was one of ABC's two big "risk shows" that they picked up for a second season that year that didn't really fit with their demographic (the other being the criminally under-rated "The Neighbors"). Both were great shows that deserved better, but i'm happy that they existed at all (especially my first exposure to

Voyager was the only iteration that got Q right in my opinion as it explored him as a character more than as a plot device (which he still was but to a lesser extent).

The worst example i have ever seen of this (by ABC again) is the bleepin' mismanagement of the B**** in Apartment 23 - they aired a handful of the first seasons episodes out of order as a mid-season replacement, then picked it up for a 2nd season. They held some of the season 1 episodes til season 2 in the fall but

Carri3 wins with those heels every time!

Which is sad because Lawrence can be electrifying when given the right material, but she just screams franchise fatigue at this point.

Mystique worked best in the 90's as an anti-hero who performed covert operations for Xavier that nobody else besides maybe Wolverine could morally undergo - i mean her solo series had some series hootz-bah! she nearly tore herself apart growing four arms and an extra head for one battle-scene where she was completely

*spoilers for ds9 (& Voyager)* There were other ways to kill Dax - she could have manned one of the ships that got destroyed in the war for instance. Season 1 of ds9 was the weakest season in my mind - i thought it still had a lot of strong episodes in its final season although you could tell that due to budget

Team Bates up with The Family!!! :( - i know it won't happen but i can live in delusion land for a few more months.

*season 6 onwards spoilers* Well I didn't like Worf (or N3xt Gen) all that much, but he was surprisingly enjoyable in DS9. The change for Dax between s6 & 7 was an interesting plot move but i like the portrayal of s1-6 better than the portrayal of s7 - maybe due to the actress not being as charismatic - i was also

I think the word stupid goes with out saying in relation to soap operas.

I call it - Wonder Woman's jam just came on, she's about to appear onscreen!

Hermione with a fire axe. That is all.