
I'd argue the Vandal/Hawkpeople is the worst part. No second worst. the worst part is their incessant need to team Hawkgal up with a guy at all times.

Except that the main story has been the shows biggest drag and the strongest episodes have been non-Savage centric.

They kill him off and they can just be a team of superheroes with a spaceship going on fun jaunts through the universe without a school-ma'am chastising them every second episode.

LoT season 2 they've said will be very different from season 1 - more fun, individualistic storylines and a mostly all-new line-up. I don't see them getting rid of Snart or Sara who get more meaty scenes here than they ever did on their origin shows. Anyone else is open to replacement and i would be surprised if Vixen

I see them getting rid of Firestom who they can't really handle even now and maybe getting rid of either Ray or Hawkgirl. I'm personally hoping Rip doesn't return either (even if he was a good rory). the anti-heroes on Legends are the only characters i would consider safe for season 2 (with only Heatwave as a tossup).

I'd much rather they lost Mysteries of Laura or even Blindspot than cutting their super-hero quota.

Exactly - back to the normal blue filter!

Whilst I loved the plot twist with the heart, i was also crying out nooo! not Pan (and with it Robbie Kay) - gone way too soon & severely underserved in this half-season. Really hoping Robbie Kay gets snatched up by a better show than Heroes Reborn.

(Also, 1st first)

I liked Axl's story (any story with the dude from Breaking In is good in my book). Sue's started off sweet and promising but had me cringing and fast forwarding the awkward sections by the end though. & I felt Mike's was realistic whilst being true to form for the show.

nope but he's Grandfathered…

Whilst I'm happy Madam Secretary's President got a mention (really surprised this site doesn't cover this smart show - perhaps with the end of Good Wife….?), he's too well-adjusted, therefore I had to go for Selina Meyer from Veep :)

Now if it had been a fabulous red wig, maybe the dresses would've been spared!

I've been nibbling (is that the opposite of binging?) Star Trek DS9 over the past year, so it was a little weird seeing Julian pop up (although i think i'd seen him previously in the mostly underwhelming Merlin-replacement Atlantis a year before)

Bring her back for Wizards Vs Aliens season 4! Or don't because her character write-out in season 2 was pretty epic!

They would have surely known from the outset though that Seth Green would've only been able to do the show so long with how much he'd already done pre- & during Buffy

I could understand that because they had to work around Seth Green's schedule. Now they don't have that issue in the medium change, yet they still underuse him.

New companion - yay!

I've enjoyed the comics for what they are - nowhere near enough Oz for my liking though.

What's wrong with those guys?