
Cool Profile pic! very retro!

We never know, there's still hope it could become a Limitless/Scorpion/ELementary-type fare

It was more the rebellion and the creatures coming out into the "light of day" that i thought was mishandled over the middle Earth idea. I mean i understand the concentration camp comparisons, etc but there was a low-key grimey-ness to it that just left one uneasy.

Wow - like almost no mention of Liam James (who's had extensive runs on both Psych & The Killing in his back-catalogue FYI).

Jekyl & Hyde was Season 3 following the Big Bertha storyline. After the awesomeness of the season 1 finale through to the end of season 3, it admittedly lost steam in it's fourth and final season, and it didn't help that for some strange reason Kate got down-graded from series regular to recurring guest-star, but

is that a Buffy/Spike reference?

I sometimes watch it for the cases :(

I'd argue a lot of sci-fi shows get better, the further along they go as they get to break their mold more and explore concepts, ideas and can use a character's back-story to generate tension and meaning that otherwise would be unobtainable. There's obviously exceptions e.g. X-Files, Battlestar Galactica (2009) but so

He was a great character actor with even better written material to work with. Here it's just making me sigh a lot being like - i know he's likeable, i know he's likeable. He was also in Blues Bros 2000

He's good in Undateable, equally horrid with most of the rest of the cast in Felicity (definite hate-watch that show)

Sparkly, shiny diamond fused with alcohol?

Middle-child from Falling Skies in above image! That is all.

I liked that there was such a showcase of science in this episode both as a solution to the awesome villain-of-the-week and as a tool for Wally drama interaction as opposed to last week's garbage of: a heart-felt pep-talk will allow you to power your way through a impenetrable barrier with love!

Hey, never say never - i'm sure his 'gams' would look rockin' in a pair of heels! ;p

Community was strong out of the gate. Superstore began pretty weakly (in my opinion) but has had the occasional moment of hope that has grown into the occasional good episode (like tonight)

Octavia Spencer was part of an ensemble though, who would be relegated to B or c plot. Emily Osment is the star of her ensemble and always carries the A-plot.

It was one factor, but high-budget sci-fi rarely fares well on FOX - they have a long history with it.

I'm expecting an excellent exterior shot of the path of destruction left in their wake - like the entire buildings been turned to rubble (like Buffy/Spike in late season 6/early season 7, but not as lame)

… & now I'm sad again…

That & Emily Osment currently stars in her show Young & Hungry which airs almost concurrently with when Mom airs.