
I'm really curious how the show handles the aftermath of the premiere. I'm worried that it will turn out to be "shock for the sake of shocking", but I wouldn't say that yet.

Hale's death was certainly sudden, but is that what is meant by a better send-off? I will remember that for a while.

Shit, I forgot about the stabbing. What kinds of favors did Tig have to use up? Did they pay that guy to keep quiet? How much? There is a bounty on Gemma's head, so I guess he had to be watched or threatened.

There were consequences to a boy and the one guy in town trying to be honest.

"Holy shit, that's some crazy shit, pho!"

I feel for you GuiltyBob. Polygraphs are crap to use as a party game, but we stake people's careers on the results.

Which itself may be a tragedy for an atheist. Internet rebel or not.

Faith and dogma don't quiet the atavistic anxieties faith and dogma are meant to salve.

I can't help but think that all conceptual art would be better if it were on fire.


Lemur, that's my favorite of the few No Reservations I've seen. One of these months I'll just go on a Bourdain Binge. thanks in advance to bittorrent.

Bourdain needs to be on one of the remaining shuttle missions.

I'd watch. Actually not, but I'd be glad it was made because I don't think Angelo is actually as creepy as he seems. He does seem really creepy.

The residents of OP8 watch a lot of TV, so maybe it makes a little sense if they act like TV characters.

Agree Norse God.

I bet the fiancee is a result of Angelo coming of a little creepy, and I don't really blame him. I'm sure it wasn't his first choice to find a woman in Russia, either.

I'm also curious what the reviewer saw to keep this episode out of the C range or lower. It was a boring episode in a bad season. Most of the episode felt rushed and I mostly remember just the tour of the ballpark and Kevin being a baby. D episode of Top Chef in my book.

All that he-said she-said
Kevin just sounded like a cranky child all episode(his eyes also seemed really watery and tired). It's one thing to be snappy at Angelo, but to bitch at the judges like that was just childish. Angelo was already owning up to his indecision about taking orders, but he seriously wasn't just

Short review.
I guess she wanted to focus on the food and this episode was slim on the food stuff. Maybe I'm too used to VDW now and expected a rambling introduction about the author's history with baseball, but the whole review fits on my screen at once, and it just looks weird.

Tony Robbins
In Restaurant Wars, I totally called that Angelo was influenced by motivational speakers. Although I imagined mantras taped to his mirror and not a full blown shrine with candles, he does actually read Robbins.