
I felt really bad when Amber wished her thighs didn't rub together. Normal people's thighs rub together a little.

Interesting Camipco. There may be more behind that lisp than I thought.

How does one acquire knife printing expertise?

Yeah. I don't understand either. Does this sentence really make sense?

Speed Racer had an emotional core at least, and had something to say.

I came to AVclub because there used to be no grades. Just a few paragraphs and I always learned more here than any site that used grades.

Hear, hear!

Sure we don't all hurt people directly, but as an American, I see parallels between Tony's dilemma and mine.

Furio is a master of his craft. Like Tony, I don't think he's a sociopath, just a soldier or someone with a really crappy job. But they take pride in how good they are at what they do. Carmella sees this, and also that Furio has the advantage of not being spoiled by all Tony's money, so he's still more grounded and

Melfi never really has any insight that I wouldn't have myself.

I guess the other people's reactions were realistic. But no one has ever only been able to talk in palindromes.

The donut shop pimp will explain the concept of a bottom bitch to Tanya.

That was in no way a realistic OD on pot.

An interview of those three would make an amazing HBO special.

I thought that Italy represented the reward for a good life. If you make enough money, you can go see Italy. At least to Carmella and Jr. What the guys realize is that reward is a myth, or… the cake is a lie.

World Destruction by Time Zone

Am I supposed to start apologizing when I get an erection now?

Yes, I hope that shot becomes a regular.

Tiffany is your aww shucks prototype. Just imagine her with a beard.

It was a different world before there were dollar cheeseburgers available on every corner.