
The highlight of some episodes is just seeing some of the cars they drive.

@Lovecraft in Brooklyn
Maybe bringing modern health care to Van Gogh wouldn't be allowed in time travel but The Doctor knew that he could get away with just giving Vincent an experience.

Vincent was depressed because he has a mental illness, not because he was sad at failure.

I love "World Destruction" playing as Tony picks up the paper, and again on the closeup of the bill.

"Chocolate milk, please."


I have fond memories of that WW2 swing music movie.

Remember when the artist Brian on the show Spaced knocked himself out and became part of his own installation? That was better than Miles' work.

I read somewhere here that there were electronics under the plywood cot. I never saw them, and he certainly didn't show us anything about those objects.

Shame on me
Anyone know where I could find this online? I couldn't find it in the usual illegal places. Don't tell me I'll actually have to turn on my TV.

Exactly, Auntie Social. I stopped playing WoW because I like video games, not talking with idiots. The average WoW player spends more time sitting in town talking than doing anything else.

Especially because that floor was just covered with water and undoubtedly slippery.

yep, that DONT was the highlight of the episode.

Nowhere near the subtlety of In Treatment, but I was happy with how the psych was treated. I reminded myself that Tony would only be able to understand blunt conclusions. The phone beating showed how Tony still doesn't understand that there are causes for how he feels. He's still just beginning to learn how his

Also reminded me of The West Wing when Bartlet orders an assassination while at War of the Roses.

I don't understand some commenters that say Walt has changed too much or become unbelievable.

Yes, Gus made a mistake. Reminds me of when Walt thought selling meth was all about product and business.

Too bad most of the people in the room realize Fring is just a suit. (or Fring ordered the boy killed)