
I first came to this site because there were no grades on the film reviews. This caused actual discussion in the comments instead of just arguing over A-/B+.

I'm guessing Sonny rescued one or two people before giving up. A man would recognize the person who rescued him.

I'm not quite old enough, but I remeber Fox being the adult channel. Any other network was fine for us to watch, but if we were watching Fox, our parents wanted to know what we were watching. With shows like In Living Color, Married with Children and The Simpsons, Fox was my first exposure to adult themes.

I was just watching S3 of The Wire. Comparing Marlo and Cutty in my head to Gunn is making me laugh.

The Corner featured crabs holding each other in the bucket.

She's good as Sophie in season 3 of Slings and Arrows.

Birth of a Prince

Yay, I love Speed Racer. It's a horrible idea for a movie, but the Wachowskis make the best Speed Racer movie possible.

Southland was a show that couldn't have existed before The Wire. I'm not really recommending it, but I kept thinking, "someone's been watching The Wire," when I watched Southland. It seemed to try to show us LA in the same way The Wire told us about Baltimore.

Wow, this guy thinks the whole show was about a fly.

I kept imagining how it would have played out differently if Walt still had his first lab partner.

It's not that I don't understand why people hated this episode. A couple of my best friends would kill me if I made them watch this, while others would love it. What I don't understand is how the haters made it this far into the series while not appreciating all the little things.

Knowing Hurley would become Jacob explains the Hurley Bird a tiny bit. Maybe it had something to do with that…

Yeah, Sawyer could help them all lie low. Or Widmore's resources might help them.

Lost and BSG ending are similar in that the main mysteries of Cylon/Island are set aside at the very end and replaced by explaining Angels/Purgatory.

What I keep coming back to is the LOST opening of the spinning, fuzzy title. This show started with fuzzy edges and will always have fuzzy edges.

I wasn't too disappointed. Better than BSG. But the worst part is that the ending had little to do with the rest of the series. Re-watching the series will not illuminate the ending at all. There is the show, then there is Christian's speech. No amount of re-watching will change anyone's view, either you are happy

I like that Todd just focuses on what we see in the hour that was produced instead of process stories about what's going on behind the scenes.

Given how many Wendy's there are, the law of large numbers would say this has happened somewhere.

NBC commercial spoiled the episode
The commercial that played twice before/during 30 Rock spoiled at least 2 important things.