
Two spidermans fighting
I was really disappointed that she explained that those phrases were euphemisms for sex. The joke would have been much better if the writers just waited for us to get the joke on our own.

I believe Community was just making fun of 30 rock and other shows.

Jeff and Annie both were running away from tough decisions.

Starbuck and Baltar. Those two could have stopped the cylons by themselves.

"Something like jumping the shark? Let me tell you a little something about the best episode ever…."

"Like a trapeze artist in a German deli, it's over the wurst."

Since Subway Justice seems to enjoy simple pleasures, I might think he would like a show where the characters like playing penny can with each other or just sitting around with some wine. His description of his day sounds exactly like something Cox's character would do.

How about: "If the Housing Market Never Collapsed"

You seriously think life has nothing to teach you after 25? Yes, a person should be a "grown up" at 25, but that doesn't mean there isn't still a chance to grow more. I try to become a better, more informed person every year of my life and cut people out of my life who don't also try. I'm not a self-help/ positive

Ok, arguing that the movie only looked like that through Ted's eyes convinced me to up this to a C (compared to normal HIMYM). Marshal being too nice deserved a lot more development, and please talk more about tying up Lilly.

What makes the deaths of bodie and Snoop so sad is that they are the ones who should have survived. They were perfect fits to the messed up world. If Bodie can't survive the game, then no one can.

The women are just alter-egos of the male writers.

Snakes aren't going to try to eat a jogger. The only way to get bit wold be to startle it, then it would just bite and run away. A gun might make sense for protection from wild dogs or something, but I doubt anyone has ever protected themselves with a gun from a snake.

I guess all the doctors that told House he needed to stop his bleeding just didn't know what they were talking about. I guess it was just a stupid cheap trick to up some suspense but with no continuity or consequence.

I know… (shakes head)

Calling the rest of the team 10, 11, 12 didn't make much sense to anyone who remembers why she's called 13. I guess it's a clever little joke, but didn't seem like something House would say.

Yeah you are completely backwards. Cuddy was right, and House was wrong. But it had nothing to do with lifting the wreckage. It was an argument about when to take the leg. Can I have some of what you were on?

Keep your government hands off of my Medicare!

Too much makeup
River sure has a lot of makeup on for a convict on a military mission.

Walter is sane
There wasn't any touch of craziness or absent mindedness in Walter this week. That's my only gripe with this episode. Or did I miss something in an earlier episode? I thought the parts of his brain were missing and so he was always going to be a little mad.