
I got confused when Cuddy knew about the apartment Wilson stole. I thought that meant Cuddy was the prankster, and Lucas was just protecting her. Then I realized that made no sense and the plot was just dumb.

I keep thinking that House need a Moriarty to his Holmes. Another diagnostician who thinks he's as good as House, maybe. A young kid who thinks being nice to patients is a better way to go, and is gunning for House's job. I guess Lucas is supposed to be the big bad, but I only believe him as a young private eye.

Eric and Tami
I just became so angry watching this, because I can't recall Eric and Tami ever doing anything to hurt other people. They are always trying to do what's right, and going out of their way to help people if they can. In return, Dillon calls Tami a murderer and Coach's team gangsters.

I wondered about the quiet Asian girl stereotype too, but decided that having the name Cook Pu might make anyone a little shy when owning up to her name.

Making God the bad guy isn't a horrible idea for a movie. If half of the movie took place in heaven, it could have been good. (but not the too bright heavan that made everyone in the theater blind for a few minutes)

"Don't be sorry. Thank you."
Tim, the polite criminal, Riggins at the junkyard.

Speaking of clips online. I can't believe they had Erin destroy Pam's painting of the Dunder-Miflin building. The episode where Michael shows up to Pam's art show was my favorite.(because it's my best example of why Michael isn't completely useless) I thought Erin was sweet before, but now I will never forgive her.

Why would they let a JJ Abrams show have room to grow? It's not like the guy has had any other successes. I wouldn't trust his vision either.

Relics of the past
After watching the Daily Show for so long, Seeing Conan explain the news without any visual aids just seems silly. Instead of "did you hear about this?", they could just show a clip. Conan still manages to be funny just standing there, but there's no reason he needed to do a standard monologue like

However, Courtney Cox doesn't look old, and I've enjoyed some Cougar Town, so maybe I should check out some Ugly Betty.

I've never understood that show. Never watched, but I find Betty attractive. So, for me, every joke would start from a bad premise.


Francios didn't have a different feel than Nick, just a mustache and he smoked and said different lines. Still just stared strait ahead and only slightly opened his mouth. He started a fire and told a girl he wanted to go down on her, and that was pretty much it.

don't see this for Fred. he really doesn't do anything.

I don't think Steve or Zach did anything funny in this movie, correct me if I'm wrong. Quite a shame.

Nothing good in movie
I never read the book, but a lot of the lines were extremely pretentious. I imagine they were more profound in the context of the book.

Well you are in good company here. Half the time Buffy is mentioned in TVclub, a heated debate about the best/worst seasons begins.

Certainly a great show, but 3 seasons seemed like a pretty good ride. I'm just disappointed Kristen Bell hasn't been in better roles since.

hahaha. Prune Tracy is covered in slime.

I've played a lot of Magic and a friend still buys some cards to draft with, but it usually comes down to who drew the right amount of land. I'm really interested in newer games that could eliminate many matches coming down to who got mana screwed. I've been meaning to pick up Dominion, In fact I mentioned it to the