

Best hour long show I watch. I look forward to it just as much as Mad Men, Lost, or Sons of Anarchy. The difference is I'm the only person I know who watches.

Spring Break Episode!

The long baseball seasons don't seem to make for interesting statistical analysis, they seem to make individual games inconsequential. If the time between pitches could be cut in half, I'd watch baseball.

It was actually the love story that got me in Cloverfield. If you would go into a toppled skyscraper in a monster infested city to save an almost already dead ex-girlfriend, that's love.

It's kind of a hard premise to sell. Also Dushku as a lead had me worried. I'm with Gphatty that I'd rather burn through a dvd than watch a show weekly. In fact the only reason I watch Dollhouse weekly on Hulu is to keep up with TVclub. But if everyone waits for the DVD, then shows don't get ratings. Actually the way

If the movie is set in th 60s, then it should depict gay people of the 60s, not gay stereotypes of the 60s.

Amazingly, the storyline in the new Nip/Tuck season that I find most believable is the mime robberies.

Yeah, I laughed at Surfin' Bird more than other new Family Guy. Maybe because it is associated with FMJ

The Casablanca episode of Red Dwarf is amazing.

Don't forget there's a reason that these guys were swallowed by a Hollywood that just put them in crappy movies. They were actually really funny. Maybe not by the time they were filtered into bad TV and movies, but every once in a while there is a glimmer of why they got paid the big bucks.

I remember being on a double date at the movies and said we should see Spirited Away. They just looked at me and replied, "isn't that a cartoon?" I imagine those people (who normally had good taste) regret missing Spirited Away on the big screen as much as I do.

Speed Racer accomplished everything it tried to do. Perfectly captured the cartoon. I saw it on little sleep and surrounded by children. I don't think I stopped smiling for an hour.

Brian Eno
I saw "original music by Brian Eno" in the commercial for Lovely Bones and that is 98% of the reason I went to see it. The sounds fit well with PJ's over the top special effects.

I've been seeing a ton of ads for this. I think a lot of them are on Hulu, but plenty on networks too.

Lovely Bones
So I understand that the movie didn't have the tone you were expecting. I would have appreciated more comment on why the "bigness" made it bad. Yes, you were expecting a more subtle treatment and the tone didn't match the book, I guess. It just seemed like you were equating "not what I expected" with"bad".

I got the feeling that some kind of climax was needed to end the movie, so Tucci's death had to be milked for all it was worth.

Wait, Better Off Ted isn't a cartoon? When did this change?

And Joe is realizing that JD is exactly the monster Joe raised him to be.

Yeah, I should have said I got the cereal joke immediately, but my main goal was to correct the Stray Observations at the end of the article. The line was great because I was still laughing when I realized the army part of the joke. Maybe Raisin Bran will eventually figure it out.