John Coctostan

I'm amused that the photo is taken from the video for the Jolene cover by Mindy Smith.

To me, everything about Siobhan's performance made her look like a perfect fit for Hee-Haw: the 80's outfit, the hair, the make-up, the performance style, etc.

Longest lasting ballroom dancers
This comes so late that no one will see it (or care, probably), but Benji and Heidi were both ballroom dancers and made the final four in season 2. So there have two ballroom dancers that have lasted just as long as Ashleigh and Ryan have.

This was a great routine. I especially like the intelligent way that Stacey Tookey incorporated Legacy's floor work capabilities in a way that made sense for the piece. There were moments when he was on the floor when he looked like a malevolent shadow.

Toenail girl got cut. Don't remember which round, but she was briefly shown leaving the stage with other cuttees.

In what universe did Richard come in third? That's just incorrect. Ted Allen (one of the finale judges that season) has even said that the editing of the finale made it look like Lisa was closer than she was. He said that she was a distant third.

No one has to like Dale, but to say he doesn't have the goods to back it up" is silly. We got to see Anita ask Jamie who she should pick as sous-chefs and Jamie, without hesitation, named Richard and Dale. He did well on his season and clearly has the respect of the other Top Chef contestants (at least for his